What People are Saying

“Individual authenticity came out more and more. People listened more intently and more empathetically. Soon enough, judgment and even the hint of judgment could not be found in the dialogue. The playing field had become level, and anyone could lead dialogue into a topic; the group had become a group of all leaders.” -Lonnie W.

When you get to know Kathryn, you will walk away scratching your head, thinking to yourself, “What an amazing question she just asked!” Then, you will spend countless nights thinking about her probing and amazing questions.

Mark D.

“Kathryn Belcher, you and this group are therapy for me. As a natural systems thinker I am always studying connection, influence, and impact. My brain no longer allows me to work without an impact… I appreciate you, this platform, and the Countermeasures Community. Thank you!” -Andrew J.

Being stunned and shocked by each and every meeting…I was lucky to be a part of, has kept me quiet, humble, and deeply thankful for the wide-open universe this has given me.

Robert A.

“I am trying to understand how I can challenge my thinking. My thinking happens so automatically, my habits so engrained that I don’t even notice them anymore. So how do I systematically and regularly challenge my assumptions, force my thinking down alternative paths?” -Shayne D.

Kathryn is an unique blend of the technical and interpersonal. She can talk details if needed but her true super strength is her listening skills. In every interaction with her, I feel heard. This makes her a fantastic coach. She has been a pillar for me during challenging times and helped my development in too many ways to mention. It is an honor to continue to work with her.

Metha V.

“Kathryn is an excellent coach. When I first met her she told me she liked to “mess with people’s thinking” and that what she did for me, in a good way. She has a unique ability to explore your preconceptions, biases, and mental blocks to achieve a different level of understanding of both a situation and yourself. She is respectful in her approach (I remember her asking me once, “do I have your permission to provide some coaching here?”) but direct in her questioning. Her calm, thoughtful, and vulnerable demeanor build rapport and accountability that make her an amazing coach and thinking partner.

If you work in Leadership, Operations, or Continuous Improvement roles and are considering working with a coach, Kathryn should definitely be on your short list to consider.” -Chad B.

Kathryn is wonderfully insightful and honest. She is great at getting to the core of the problem and helping people find workable solutions. I like her broad perspective and how she easily relates to people of all backgrounds and interests.

Bob Emiliani