Religion and politics

The common saying is “don’t talk about politics and religion”.

Instead, it could be, “Practice deep self-reflection and accept support to increase your ability TO safely discuss politics and religion.”

That which we’re unable to safely discuss is unlikely to evolve, improve, change, right?

A common continuous improvement saying is “problem solve, don’t talk about social and emotional things”.

Instead, it might be, “Practice deep self-reflection and accept support to increase your ability TO safely problem solve.”

The problem isn’t the problem that we think we have, is it?!

Just like many of us are incapable (you CAN change that!) of safely discussing how we organize a society (politics) or the spiritual mysteries of life (religion), many of us are incapable of safely problem solving.

Specifically for change practitioners, when there is something (a problem, a topic, data) that is off-limits for discussion, then you know you are not yet ready to problem solve.

The problem isn’t the problem – the reality that you can’t safely define the problem is the problem!

Call it self-awareness readiness.

For all the readiness assessments in existence, have you pondered if we’re even ready for these readiness assessments? Funny thought!