It’s all RfP

We typically understand TPS (Toyota Production System)/Lean as two separate pillars – Continuous Improvement and Respect for People (RfP).

But it need only be one – RfP, right?

It seems once you wrestle with respect for people, or perhaps more accurately, respect for humanity, you understand that continuous improvement is merely a natural extension of embodying this pillar.

When truly practicing respect for people, of course you seek facts, experiment towards improvement, and facilitate a learning environment.

In this way, maybe, respect for people is the what and continuous improvement is the how…?

Progressive management (lean, agile, scrum, conscious capitalism) is humanizing the workplace. And a piece of that is continuous improvement. The foundation, however, is respect for people. And, without increasing one’s consciousness, you cannot truly practice respect for people. We’ll save that for another day…