Disrespect as waste

Leaders and change agents, please consider disrespect as waste.

What if disrespect of self and others is at the core of non-value-added work in business?

Disrespect yourself?

Then you won’t likely be in tune with your needs, desires, values alignment, personal fulfillment, and life balance.

Perhaps you were taught not to be in touch with your emotions. Or you were taught not to express your needs (certainly not to prioritize those needs before the needs of others). Or somewhere along the spectrum.

And if you’re not aware of your own needs and balance, how could you be expected to understand and respect those of others?

I know you’ve (likely) been taught to tune out (or don’t yet know how to listen to) your inner voice, to push through your needs, to dehumanize yourself and others because “it’s just business” after all.

Let me tell you that sustainable, profitable businesses can flow from listening to your needs, listening to your customers’, employees’, suppliers’, investors’, and community’s needs.

There’s another way, a win/win way.