“I don’t have time!”

I don’t have time!

“Look at my calendar! I am double- and triple-booked. I don’t have time to walk the production floor.”

This was the conversation from 10 years ago, but I remember it vividly (primarily because I’ve always looked up to this former factory manager).

He showed me his calendar and sure enough – no time! But did that mean he couldn’t create time to serve the hundreds of team members under his care?

Also, no.

Often, “I don’t have time” means that a belief is holding us back or perhaps, our fears are orienting our time.

I don’t have time for the gym when I’m feeling out of shape or worried that others will show me up (they will!). Does that mean that there are literally no minutes in the day for me to head to the gym?! No, of course not! It means that, because of my current beliefs, I’m not yet prioritizing the gym. (I’m choosing to believe that my health is more important than temporary discomfort and I’m going today!)

Back to your factory leadership. There is vulnerability in spending time on the production floor, if you aren’t currently. (You used to be out there more, but all the meetings and office work are overwhelming and never-ending!)

There is a time in which many may believe that you are “up to something” or are suspicious because of this change in behavior.

You know what? OK.

You ARE up to something! You’re boldly choosing to re-invest your time in your PEOPLE (and your processes, but that’s for another discussion).

You’re rewriting what you’ve been “told” about factory leadership.

Besides, in 3 weeks or so, this will be the new way and your team’s hearts will soften and you may just be surprised…