Respect humanity.
Improve work.

TPS/Lean, Operational Excellence, progressive management “tools” must not replace the discomfort of challenging your own preconceptions, ways of thinking, core beliefs, and emotional experiences. Continuous Improvement without the Other CI, Consciousness Improvement, is unsustainable (and unfulfilling and outdated and expensive and frustrating and…)

I have so much regard for Kathryn that is not expressible in mere words, but I can only feel in the deepest confines of my heart.

Ashok M.

I thrive on good leadership, courage, and sacrifice…which is why I have been a fan of Kathryn’s for some time now.

Robert A.

1-on-1 Executive Partnerships

Eager to redefine business success. Fully customizable partnerships for CEOs, called to a higher purpose. One year minimum commitment.

“Aha” Sessions

Eager for an insight, an “aha”, a spot-challenge to your thinking. No need to commit to a full year. 90 min sessions available.

Commissioned Experiments

Eager to Respect humanity. Improve work. And looking for a creative partner?